In a world where society is culturally open, information hungry, and space curious, Rymdforum is there to spread knowledge about space activities in a large context, and maybe give people some hope about moving to Mars in a few hundred years. 

Rymdfoum 2021 is a three-day conference and a series of space-themed events taking place around the city of Gothenburg. 

The conference is held every two years since 2002, and this year I had the privilege to collaborate with them to come up with a new visual identity. Their goal was to make something that looks familiar, stable, and speaks to a wider group of audience. 

This project was practically finished in early 2020, but we had to postpone all the publishing because of the pandemic.  
You can unmute this 3D animated teaser if you'd like!
Since we are currently living on earth, one of the few ways to watch the wonders of space is via a lens of a telescope. And that lens became the main concept.

The results are a combination between what you see through a telescope lens, and the curves and geometrical shapes that you see looking down from space. Naturally, space is an organised randomness, and that is why I wanted to give freedom to my client to choose what they want to see through the lens. 
Stable, timeless and it fills the "space" up to the point were it could be the only thing on a poster.
 Chalmers Conference Center     –    Photo: Sandi Habnic
 Chalmers Conference Center     –    Photo: Sandi Habnic
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